HTC Call Recorder

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A program to record the conversation on HTC devices, it might also work with other devices. This app is for QVGA devices , a VGA Patch is also available. If you have a custom dialer, or another recoding app (like Resco Audio Recorder and Vito Audio Notes) this app might not work. In the case of a call when you press the record button to call the contact’s name will appear in front of the red dot indicating the recording is in progress. You can save the conversation in .AMR or .WAV format to your storage card or device memory.

WARNING : Do a FULL BACKUP of your device , just in case something goes wrong


Install Instructions :

  1. Install
  2. Soft reset
  3. Optional Step
    • [Additional Step for HTC VGA devices ] If you are having a HTC VGA device, install ICR VGA
    • [Additional Step for NON HTC devices ] If your device is not from HTC install Other devices
NOTE : Recoding a telephone conversation, might not be legal in many countries. If its against the law in your county. plz dont use this app. Typical use of this app is in situations like recoding an interview with permission to record from both the person



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