GPSToggle v1.9 Latest update

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GPSToggle v1.9 has been released! To update, download the updated cab file and run this on your device. Install to device (not memory card), as changing this option doesn't change where it installs anywhere. After installation, soft reset, and you will be running the updated toggler!

BAF GPS Toggle is written in native code (not .NET), and uses very little memory. It sits on your Today Screen, allowing you to click on it to toggle GPS on and off for your applications. While GPS is toggled on, it also displays lock status as well as the number of satellites and GPS signal strength from each satellite. Simple as that. It is similar to the GPSToday plugin, but simply toggles GPS on and off as opposed to checking for nearby contacts in your address book and doing tons of things (which helps conserve memory and battery life).



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